Plane tree

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Plane tree leaves and blue sky

Suzukake fruit and autumn leaves

Autumn memories of a girl playing with nuts

Autumn memories of a girl playing with nuts

A sycamore tree with beautiful fresh green

Platanus sycamore

Plane tree

Autumn leaves of plane tree on white background

Summer sycamore, Platanus orientalis

Momijibasuzu Kakenoki (Plane tree) 1

Plane tree

Green and yellow sycamore leaves

Platanus leaves and fruit turning yellow

sycamore fruit

Plane tree

Autumn colored leaves and plane trees in the park

Plane tree leaf street light

Plane tree leaf street light

Plane tree leaf street light

Autumn in Chikozan Park, autumn leaves of plane trees, Sayama City

Sunny blue sky and maple trees

Plane tree

Plane tree

Plane tree leaves


Scenery from the shade

Plane tree

Blue sky and young leaves of plane trees

Fallen leaves of the maple bass

Early autumn sycamore fruit

Plane tree

Plane tree

Plane tree

Autumn tree-lined avenue at Chikozan Park (Saitama Prefecture, Sayama City)

Sycamore fruit

Platanus occidentalis

Platanus in Spring

Platanus sycamore

Platanus occidentalis

Platanus sycamore


The fruit of the sycamore tree (Nakajima Park, Sapporo)

A face made of snow on a tree trunk


When I look up

A face made of snow on a tree trunk


The fruit of the sycamore tree (Nakajima Park, Sapporo)

sycamore tree bark


Fallen leaves of the maple bass

Suzukakenoki fruit

Street tree trunk (sycamore)

Colored sycamore trees and autumn blue sky

Colored sycamore trees and autumn blue sky

Sunny autumn sky and sycamore fruit

plane tree

Suzukake tree, plane tree

Autumn colored sycamore and blue sky

Japanese maple sycamore

Platanus orientalis on the pond

Tag attached to the maple bus

Fallen leaves of the maple bass

plane tree

Large plane tree in the park

Yellow sycamore leaves

glowing sycamore leaves

Platanus leaf carpet

autumn colored sycamore leaves

1 plane tree leaf vertical image

1 plane tree leaf horizontal background

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Frame of autumn leaves

autumn leaves frame

Plane tree

Plane tree

Light shining on a sycamore tree with red leaves and fruits

Plane tree

plane tree

plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree

Deciduous tree Winter plane tree
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