Bananenförmiges Sandwich 6

Sandwich 2

Sandwich 1

Tartine 3

Bananenförmiges Sandwich 9

Bananenförmiges Sandwich 3

Gurkensuppe offener Sand 3

Eine lange Sandwich-Schnitt in der Hälfte 2

Ein langes Sandwich in halbem Schnitt 3

Cheese and salami plate 1 ~ cheese plate ~


Bananenförmiges Sandwich 5

Bananenförmiges Sandwich 8

Sandwich in weißes Papier eingewickelt

1 chipped pizza

Offener Sand mit Paprika 2

Offener Sand mit Paprika 4

Sandwich 3

hand holding a piece of pizza

hand holding a piece of pizza

ingredients for making sandwiches


A woman's hand making a round sandwich

A woman's hand making a sandwich with ham on round bread

Hand making a sandwich with ham on round bread

A hand that makes a sandwich like a hamburger with round bread

Hand making a sandwich with cucumber and ham on round bread

A woman's hand packing apples in a lunch box

Hands filling the lunch box with apples

Hand making a sandwich with ham and cucumber on bread

Hand making a sandwich with ham on bread

Hand of a woman making a sandwich with bread

A woman's hand making a sandwich with cucumber and ham on bread

Hand making a sandwich with cucumber and ham on bread

hands making sandwiches

A woman's hand cutting cheese for a sandwich

A child's hand making a sandwich with star cheese

Child's hand making a sandwich

Child's hand putting ingredients on sandwich

A child's hand making a sandwich with ham and cucumber on bread

A boy's hand making a sandwich

A child's hand making a sandwich with ham, cucumber and cheese on bread

A child's hand making a star cheese sandwich

Party cuisine

Osechi dish 001


Plates of raw ham and vegetables

Salami _ white background

Salami _ white background

Autumn taste · Salted grilled salamari # 3

Grilled saury


Osechi cooking 003

Salt grilled saury

Truffle salami and Iberian ham 1

Landscape in bar area Taste of autumn - salt grilled saury

Cut salami

Grilled saury


Pizza toast

Autumn taste · Salted grilled salamari # 2


Salami _ white background

Grilled saury with salt

Grated radish art and saury

Daikonroro art and Sanma

Grated radish art and saury


Home delivery pizza

Delivery pizza

Salt grilled saury

Grated radish art cat

Delivery pizza

Grated radish art and saury

Salami _ white background

Grated radish art and saury

Salami _ white background

Close-up pizza

Salami _ white background


Grated radish art and saury

Salami bought with sola macaques ②

Grated radish art and saury

Autumn taste · Salted grilled salamari # 1

Cheese and salami plate 2 ~ cheese plate ~

Salami bought with solaque ①

Salt grilled saury

Healthy raw vegetables


Autumn taste

breakfast buffet

Salt-grilled salt-grilled soup

Assorted truffle salami and Iberian ham

Olives and salami

Salami pizza

Appetizer salad


Salami and sprout salad

Hors d'oeuvres
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