Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Attractive colors of winter hazel

Tokyo Winter Hazel / Tokiwa Mansaku (flower)

Tokyo Winter Hazel / Tokiwa Mansaku (flower)

Winter hazel stretching into the sky

Witch hazel (pink)

Witch hazel (pink)

Red flowered witch hazel

Red Witch Hazel Leaves

Red Witch Hazel Leaves

Red Witch Hazel Leaves

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Safflower Chinese fringe flower 4

Hedge of Tokiwamansaku

Safflower Chinese fringe flower 3

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Chinese fringe flower

Chinese fringe flower

safflower witch hazel flower

Safflower Chinese fringe flower

Chinese fringe flower

Safflower Chinese fringe flower

Chinese fringe flower

Tokiwamansaku planted in a residential area and a bollard

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Safflower Chinese fringe flower 2

Safflower Chinese fringe flower

Japanese safflower


Japanese safflower

Tokiwamansaku 4

Tokiwamansaku 3


Red Witch Hazel Flower 2

Red Witch Hazel Flower 1

Red Witch Hazel Flower 3

Tokyo Winter Hazel (Red Flower Tokyo Winter Hazel)

Red flowered witch hazel like tassels

Winter hazel in Aoba Ward, Yokohama City after the clear blue sky

Winter hazel in Aoba Ward, Yokohama City after the clear blue sky

Tokyo Winter Hazel (Red Flower Tokyo Winter Hazel)

Safflower Chinese fringe flower (mansaku Tsuneha)

safflower witch hazel

safflower witch hazel

Safflower Tokiwa Mansaku

Tokiwa witch hazel

Safflower Chinese fringe flower

Safflower Chinese fringe flower

Hedge of Tokiwamansaku 2


Chinese fringe flower

Tokiwamansaku 2

Safflower Chinese fringe flower tree

Red flowered witch hazel

Chinese fringe flower

Tokiwa witch hazel leaves wet with drops

Chinese fringe flower

Chinese fringe flower

Tokiwamansaku 5

Chinese fringe flower up

Chinese fringe flower

Two-colored Chinese fringe flower up

Two kinds of Tokiwamansaku in the light

Winter hazel among fresh greenery

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Winter hazel flower

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Tokyo Winter Hazel

Red winter hazel

Winter hazel among fresh greenery

Winter hazel flower

dancers on the branches

Tokiwamansaku Benisai

Tokiwa witch hazel with a strange shape blooming under the blue sky

Scenery of a path in a dense forest

Witch hazel (white)

Tokiwa witch hazel in full bloom

Japanese witch hazel in autumn leaves

Tokiwa witch hazel flower

Witch hazel (white)

Tokyo Winter Hazel

dancers on the branches

Passionate winter hazel flowers

Chinese fringe flower

Tokiwa witch hazel

witch hazel hedge flower buds

Tokiwa witch hazel flower

red witch hazel
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