Wigeon sparkling on the water


Male Wigeon

Profile of a Wigeon

Wigeons and coots gathering on the lake

A Wigeon swimming on the water surface

A Wigeon floating silently on the water

A male wigeon floating on the calm water

A quietly drifting wigeon

Waterfowl gathering at the pond

Wigeon on the water

Profile of a Wigeon

Wigeon reflected on the water surface

Wigeon reflected on the water surface

Wigeon floating on the lake

A moment of silence as Wigeon floats on the water

A female Wigeon on the water

A Wigeon swimming on the calm water

Quiet water surface of the mallard duck

A flock of ducks on the lake

The graceful swim of the mallard duck

A Wigeon gliding across the water

Close-up of a Wigeon

Wigeon ducks wading across the lake

A female wigeon swimming on the water surface

The graceful swim of the mallard duck

A female wigeon floating on the water

A female wigeon gliding on the water

A male wigeon swimming on the surface of the water

A Wigeon floating on the blue water

A Wigeon swimming on the water surface

Male Wigeon swimming in the river

Wigeon on land

Three female Wigeons swimming in a pond

A flock of ducks resting on a winter meadow

A flock of Pintails and Wigeons


Race on the lake surface between a coot and a wigeon


Wigeon floating on the water

The natural appearance of the mallard duck

Black-headed gulls and wigeons floating on the water

Ducks gathering at the waterside in winter

Ducks bathing

Pintail and Wigeon

Ducks swimming on the water

Flock of Pintails and Wigeons



Wigeon walking

Birds swimming in a pond

Wigeon Flight


A Wigeon relaxing amongst fallen autumn leaves

A single Wigeon floating silently on the lake surface

A pair of Wigeon floating on the water

A Wigeon swimming on the calm water

A Wigeon standing in a winter marsh

Lively waterside birds

A Wigeon swimming on the water surface

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on an island in a waterfront pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

Wigeon gracefully dancing in the water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on an island in a waterfront pond

Wigeon cuddling together

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

Wigeon and coot searching for food in the Okawa River in winter

A relaxing wigeon

Vivid Wigeon




A Wigeon or a Mallard searching for food on the riverbank?
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