Background material

Lace and accessories 5


A hand holding a black lace ribbon

Hands that show the mesh of the lace

close up of black lace ends

black lace up

black cloth up

Plaid cloth 1



Felt material

Japanese Pattern Cloth 2 (Cloisonne)


Silk moth mulberry leaf sericulture

Lace and accessories 2

Tuch prüfen 18

Plain Tuch 61

Kimono socks

Pearl beads

Einfaches Tuch 54

Einfaches Tuch 59

Royal Blue Velvet


Tatami border

Japanese textile background material

Japanese textile background material

Cambodia souvenir scarf

Cork board frame

Cambodian textiles and coconut juice

Japanese paper background

Chirimen (woven fabric) 10

Chirimen (woven fabric) 13

Chirimen (woven fabric) 4

Chirimen (woven fabric) 1

Chirimen (woven fabric) 8

Chirimen (woven fabric) 2

Chirimen (woven fabric) 7

Chirimen (woven fabric) 6

Chirimen (woven fabric) 12

Chirimen (woven fabric) 11

Chirimen (woven fabric) 3

Chirimen (woven fabric) 9

Chirimen (woven fabric) 5


Punkte von Tuch 4

Canvas texture 2

Fabric material

Plant-dyed stole (indigo grey) 01

Plant-dyed stole (indigo grey) 02

Plant-dyed stole (pink) 01

Plant-dyed stole (pink) 02

Fabric material

Purple tie-dye fabric 02

Purple tie-dye fabric 01

Campus fabric

Environmentally friendly linen fabric background texture

Linen background texture

Fabric material

Hina Dolls Prince and Princess Decoration

Cute floral fabric

Fabric material

Cute floral fabric

Cute floral fabric

Cute floral fabric

Cute floral fabric

Fabric material

Cute floral fabric and artificial cherry blossoms

Cute floral fabric and artificial cherry blossoms

Cute floral fabric and artificial cherry blossoms

Black Japanese style fabric texture

Dark brown Japanese style fabric texture

Gold Japanese style fabric texture

Dark blue Japanese style fabric texture

Dark green Japanese style fabric texture

Dark red Japanese style fabric texture

Beige Japanese style fabric texture

Palace decorations Hinamatsuri

Palace decorations Hinamatsuri

Palace decorations Hinamatsuri

Colorful, rough fibres and textiles

Carpet background material 2

Carpet background material

Floral lace background_white

Floral lace background_off-white_wide

Floral lace background_ivory

Normales Tuch 68

Matsugaoka Reclamation Site Nationally Designated Cultural Property Japan Heritage

Matsugaoka Reclamation Site Nationally Designated Cultural Property Japan Heritage

Matsugaoka Reclamation Site Nationally Designated Cultural Property Japan Heritage

Matsugaoka Reclamation Site Nationally Designated Cultural Property Japan Heritage

Matsugaoka Reclamation Site Nationally Designated Cultural Property Japan Heritage

Tweed-like material _ pink

Textiles: Colorful, textured fabrics

Cotton Flower and Organic Cotton

Fabric Background

Traditional Japanese weaving machine

Fabric Background

Traditional Japanese weaving machine
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