Japanese crayfish

Bushy Mitten Crab

Discus swimming with aquatic plants in the background

Swimming Ezougui

A school of Japanese dace

Swimming Yellowfin Barb

A silver crucian carp pooping

Silver crucian carp searching for food on the bottom

Datnio Plus One

Silver sharks swimming side by side

Swimming gourd

A mudskipper coming onto land

Tropical Girl

Small grass carp

Chameleon Cichlid

NeoLamprologus Recharge

Sciaenochromis frieri

A cute-looking red-tailed cat

A rugged-looking Megalodosus

Carp and koi

Tiger Shovel Nose Face

Swimming Siamese Flying Fox

Transparent Translucent Glass Cat

Cute Fukuloach

A cute loach with a beard

Carp and koi seen from above

White carp


Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Salmon swimming up the Chitose River

Chitose Aquarium Tank 1

Chitose Aquarium Tank 3

Chitose Aquarium Tank 2

Chitose Aquarium

rainbow trout

three-spined stickleback

Chinese sturgeon

Siamese Flying Fox 1

Siamese Flying Fox 2


Chinese sturgeon

Huge Brown Trout

Beautiful red colored sockeye salmon

blue rainbow fish

golden zebra grid

half orange rainbow fish 1

half orange rainbow fish 2

tropical girl

sword tail

Rasbora heteromorpha

Labidochromis caeruleus 1

Neolumprologus Brichage

Labidochromis caeruleus 2

Amemasu 2

Amemasu 1

A wounded chum salmon (salmon) swimming upstream

Schiaenochromis early



Cherry salmon


brown trout


Rainbow trout

albino rainbow trout

Japanese crayfish

Water praying mantis

Sturgeon (Amur sturgeon)

Large Amur sturgeon swimming

Amur sturgeon swimming in an aquarium

Swimming White Sturgeon

Three-spined stickleback

A Shelduck buries its face

A Ruddy Shelduck resting near the water's edge

Little Grebe resting on land

A beautiful black crow snake (Rat Snake)

Grebe 1

Grebe 3

Grebe 2

veiled chameleon 3

veiled chameleon 1

veiled chameleon 2
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