A duck cruising on the calm waters

A mallard duck floating on the quiet water

The expression of a spot-billed duck floating on the water

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

A gentle expression of a mallard duck reflected on the water's surface

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

A pair of mallards floating on the calm water

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

A mallard duck swimming on the calm water

A spot-billed duck kicking the water surface in flight

A mallard and a coot swimming on the water

A mallard duck swimming on the calm water

A flock of ducks swimming on the water

Spot-billed ducks swimming in the river

A mallard duck reflected on the mirror-like surface of the water

A duck floating on the water

Two mallards standing by the water in summer

A spot-billed duck reflecting on the blue water surface

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed ducks swimming under the blue sky

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Spot-billed ducks swimming on the blue lake surface

Spot-billed ducks swimming in a pond in autumn


Parent and child of kalgamo






Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Ducks at Shirahatuma Park

Spot-billed ducks by the water

Beautiful water bird, spot-billed duck

Spot-billed Duck

A duck floating on the water

Spot-billed Duck

A mallard duck swimming leisurely

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Spot-billed Duck 003

Spot-billed Duck 004

Spot-billed Duck 005

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Kawazu cherry blossoms along the Aogehori River

Spot-billed Duck 001

A calm pond where spot-billed ducks swim

Spot-billed Duck 002

A mallard duck swimming on the calm water

Mallard duck grooming

The back view of a mallard duck resting its wings on the water's surface

A flock of ducks floating on the water

Spot-billed ducks swimming in the river

A group of mallards marching in the clear blue sky

Spot-billed Duck

A group of mallards marching in the clear blue sky

A group of mallards marching in the clear blue sky

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck Parent and Child

Spot-billed duck couple? 1

Coexistence of Spot-billed Ducks and Coots

Mallard ducks gliding across the water

A mallard duck swimming on the calm water

Spot-billed ducks floating on colorful water

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed ducks swimming in a winter river

Mallard duck, close-up, facing left

Mallard duck, close-up, facing right

Spot-billed Duck, front

Cute ducklings swimming

Cute ducklings swimming

Cute ducklings swimming

Two swimming mallards

A flock of spot-billed ducks gathering at the water's edge

A spot-billed duck preparing to land on the water

Spot-billed Ducks Swimming

A mallard duck floating on the water

A spot-billed duck floating on the water

A flock of ducks swimming in a pond

Cute ducklings swimming
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