A man playing an electric guitar in the room

A man playing an electric guitar in the room

A man playing an electric guitar in the room

Woman doing DTM

A man playing an electric guitar in the room

A man playing an electric guitar in the room

Stand microphone

Music mixer fader

Music studio and headphones


music studio mixer

Synthesizer keyboard and music

Synthesizer keyboard keys

Music studio digital mixer

Synthesizer keyboard

Photo of keyboard

Music studio mixer



Synthesizer Keyboard

Delivery / DTM / Microphone / Recording 10

DTM environment 2

Distribution / DTM / Microphone / Recording 14


DTM / condenser microphone

Delivery / DTM / Microphone / Recording 5

condenser mic and illumination

Distribution / DTM / Microphone / Recording 13

Distribution / DTM / Microphone / Recording 3


Condenser microphone / DTM


Condenser microphone / DTM

Headphones, PC, smartphone

Microphone, narration, DTM, recording

DTM / condenser microphone



DTM, speaker, sound absorption, recording


DTM / condenser microphone

Speaker 2

Condenser microphone

DTM / condenser microphone

Condenser microphone

Speaker 4

Condenser microphone / DTM


DTM headphones


Audio interface microphone terminal

Microphone, narration, DTM, recording

Monitor speaker

Condenser microphone / DTM

Microphone, DTM, recording, narration, distribution


DTM / Home recording / Condenser microphone

Condenser microphone / DTM

Home recording, microphone, distribution, narration, DTM

Condenser microphone

Home recording, microphone, distribution, DTM


Composition Activity 2

Mike Narration Vocal Recording


Music / DTM / Home recording / Composition


Electronic piano performance 1

Music / DTM / Home recording / Composition

Home recording / guitar / condenser microphone

Music / DTM / Home recording / Composition

DTM image / composition / arrangement


Sound absorbing material, studio image

Music / DTM / Home recording / Composition

DTM image

Home recording, microphone, distribution, DTM

Music / DTM / Home recording / Composition

Mixer console

Acoustic guitar condenser microphone

Composed with DTM

Electric Guitar / DTM / Microphone / Recording 7

Acoustic guitar taken from an angle

DJ equipment

PC and synthesizer

Microphone, distribution, narration, DTM

Guitar / DTM / Home recording

Guitar / Music / DTM / Home recording


Acoustic guitar and headphones

Headphones, PC, smartphone 3

Home recording / acoustic guitar / condenser microphone

Composition Activity 1

Image of keyboard, trackball, and DTM

Headphones and guitar

Composition / DTM / Trackball 16

DTM, truck making

Sound absorption, studio image

Condenser microphone

Guitar / DTM / Home recording
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