Ältere Frau mit Kopfschmerzen 1

Nausea (sideways)

Thermometer and cold medicine

Secret (sideways)

Woman wearing a mask

Tablets Medicine

Making rolled sushi

Image of new corona vaccine and influenza vaccine

Male doctor hitting a syringe

Medicine tablet


Eltern und Kind messen Hitze 1


Ältere Frau mit Kopfschmerzen 2

Woman drooling on sofa



Businessmen 【Men who can hold their mouths by hand】

Measure blood pressure

Yorkshire terrier with a mask

Itchy eyes Allergies

Woman with runny nose

Women dry hair 2

Ältere Frau, die Medizin nimmt 1

Women with sleep disorders / sleeplessness (headache / fever)

Carp streamers (windsock, red carp, scarlet carp, baby carp)

Hyuga Natsu Dessert

Hyuga Natsu

Woman sleeping on sofa

New corona vaccine image

New corona vaccine image

Elementary school students who have a cold 1

Middle-aged women who can't sleep (sickness)

Woman wearing a mask

Woman wearing a mask

Woman wearing a mask

Woman wearing a mask

Älterer Mann trinkt Medizin 1

Woman wearing a mask

Sleep disorders/women who cannot sleep (headache/fever)

Ältere Frau trinkt Medizin 2

Ehomaki 2

Middle-aged women who can't sleep (headache / fever)

New coronavirus vaccine image on red world map

Älterer Mann trinkt Medizin 2

Woman wearing a mask

Ikinari Dango (with chestnuts)

Setsubun frame


Obstetrics and gynecology department, female doctor and mom who examines baby

Woman with energy drink

Woman with energy drink

Woman with energy drink

Woman with energy drink

Sleep disorder / sleepless woman (headache / fever)

Datemaki (black plate, wooden table)

Background material texture of the bandores and rolls




Sleep disorders / sleepless men (headache / fever)


Dickes Rollsushi 4

Female in poor health (headache)

New corona vaccine image

Woman wearing a mask

Young woman with a sore throat

Unwell woman common cold

Datemaki (black plate)

Datemaki (red, center)

New coronavirus vaccine image on red world map

Time and doctor

Datemaki (facing right)

A man who seems to be lazy in the bedroom


Electric fan

Ehomaki, beans, and masks⑤

Ehomaki, beans, and masks②

Setsubun, Ehomaki (one roll)

Ehomaki, beans, and masks①

Ehomaki, beans, and masks⑥

Image of Setsubun

Speaking of Setsubun...

Setsubun (February calendar)

Eltern und Kind messen Hitze 4

Setsubun (February calendar) (overhead view)

Elementary school students who have a cold 2

Woman wearing a mask Infection control

A man who seems to be lazy in the bedroom

Various masks

Tissue trash

Tissue trash

Tissue trash

Tissue trash

Woman worried in the kitchen

Tissue trash

Älterer Mann, um Medizin zu nehmen 3
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